OG#46 – The only one who truly understands me…
megawolf77 : "Ahhh. The only one who understands her completely. Mari-Mari."
Neutrino-X : "Aww, indeed. Alas, Mari-Mari can't talk. :C"
megawolf77 : "I think being silent has its own charms to calm anybody. Mari-Mari's actually helping at some point."
Neutrino-X : "Hmm, you've got a point. 😀 I can try to be dead and silent for you, Mega."
megawolf77 : "I truly believe dead men can't tell tales, but you just keep yappin'. 😀"
Neutrino-X : 😀 ...
megawolf77 : "Hey, it's very effective. You ARE silent. 😀"
Neutrino-X : *falls over you, dead* xwx
megawolf77 : D: ...!?!